Using the Ultracortex Mark IV with a Brainmaster Discovery 24 amp

garlorcogarlorco Syracuse NY
edited May 2021 in Headware

I am hoping for input. I love the open bci concept!!!
I am using a discovery 24 amp from brainmaster and want to get a headset with 16 channels. As far as I understand, I will be limited to 16 sites and want to do 19 site whole head training in slorretta. Is there a way to get the Mark IV to record/train at 19 sites?


  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA

    Garlorco, hi.

    The Ultracortex has all the 10-20 sites (sockets) for 19 channel, but normally is only configured for 8 or 16 channels. If you email to contact at, I believe you could order 3 additional electrode holder units.

    You will need some technician help with the connection to the Discovery. Continue reading. The Ultracortex (UC) is expecting to plug into the header pins on the Cyton mainboard. Cyton has male pins, UC has female connectors (called 'Berg' or 'Dupont') that terminate in the rear of the UC, that mate with these male Cyton pins.

    The shop does offer a "touchproof adapter",

    But this has the wrong sex connectors on BOTH ends of each wire. Sorry to say. (Female Berg and female touchproof.) Your Discovery expects male touchproof.

    What I would suggest is to pickup a pack of cheap 'disposable' EEG electrodes. This pack from MVAP has 25 of them, for $18.

    Available in 1, 1.5 or 2 meter lengths. Cut off the cable near the electrode end. Then strip the end of each wire (19 for your sites, and a couple more for reference and ground.)

    Then from a number of websites, you can purchase a pack of 'jumper cables', such as:

    Cut 20 some of these half-way, and strip those wire ends. Now splice each of your male touchproof cables, to a male Berg connector wire. Wrap the splice with good quality electrical tape. Or even better, shrink-wrap and seal with a blow dryer or butane flame.

    Now you can plug the UC into your Discovery. Suggest that you label each touchproof with the 10-20 site name. Also would be wise to 'strain-relief' the incoming cables at the UC, so that they do not drag on, pull on, disconnect from the tension between the headset and the touchproofs.

    Regards, William

    PS I do realize the Discovery has a DB-25 ribbon connector. But wiring up an adapter for that would be even more technical. Though possible. Electro-cap does publish the pin-out.

  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA

    I would advise caution with using the Discovery. It's designed for use with Electro-cap and gel. Although this is considered a 'passive' electrode connection, it still gives low impedance and best possible QEEG results.

    Using the silver chloride dry electrodes with UC, this is also considered passive electrodes. However your impedance will be higher, and numbers greater than 5K ohms are likely. Also the microvolts amplitude will be somewhat lower, because no electrolyte (gel) is being used.

    Brainmaster sells a dry electrode system, but I'm pretty sure it uses 'active' electrodes, which are pre-amplified just behind each comb. Thus there are no impedance issues or drop in amplitude.


  • garlorcogarlorco Syracuse NY

    Thank you so much for your response. Want to make this work. Will consider your words,

  • The Ultracortex has all the 10-20 sites (sockets) for 19 channel, but normally is only configured for 8 or 16 channels. If you email to contact at, I believe you could order 3 additional electrode holder units.

    Thank you so much for this information! You made my week! :-)

    I am definitely going to contact OpenBCI to see if they have 3 header pins that can be soldered to the Cyton + Daisy boards! I am doing LORETA scoring at the moment with my OpenBCI with a wet electrode cap (using gel), and those 3 extra channels would be super helpful, as it maximizes the potential of the device :-)

    I have a lot of side projects going on with OpenBCI at the moment, and I find it to be a ton of fun. I am a programmer so I am playing around with a lot of MATLAB and Python packages for neurofeedback. I am an expert at controls, and I can definitely create closed-loop entrainment programs for attention, memory, relaxation, etc. I have created closed-loop artificial pancreas systems in MATLAB for fun, so I can definitely do amazing stuff there for the community.

    I am also trying to design a case with touchproof electrodes. The best cases are these (ranked)
    1. Cyton + Daisy Touchproof Electrode Case:
    2. Cyton Touchproof Electrode Case (aesthetically pleasing):

    However, I am aiming for something like this (but a less long and a little bit wider):

    Ultimately, I want all of the jumper wires on each of the header pins, whether they are used or not. I will have a touchproof adapter for each of the header pins, whether they are ever used or not. So, I will need 39 touchproof adapters, technically, but for aesthetic reasons, I will use 40. Obviously I will only use around 20 of them, especially since I consistently use it for monitoring sleep, which requires some surface EMG recordings for the face. (I have severe restless legs syndrome and I am using this as a defacto sleep lab, along with other devices such as an EMG recorder for the legs, respiration monitor, ECG, and SPO2 monitor).

  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA

    I am definitely going to contact OpenBCI to see if they have 3 header pins that can be soldered to the Cyton + Daisy boards! I am doing LORETA scoring at the moment with my OpenBCI with a wet electrode cap (using gel), and those 3 extra channels would be super helpful, as it maximizes the potential of the device :-)

    Hi Squirrel, unfortunately the ADS1299 analog to digital converter chips used by Cyton, only have 8 channels each. The Discovery amp has 24 total channels.


  • garlorcogarlorco Syracuse NY
    edited August 2022

    William, I sent you an email. I would like to revisit using the Mark IV with my brainmaster amp. Let me know if you got it. Below is the message I put in the email.

    I reached out to you about a year ago regarding using the brainmaster amp with the open BCI headset. I believe I want to go ahead and set up your headset for use with the brainmaster amp and try it out. I believe if the impedance is below 15 we will be fine. I purchased a ribbon with a DB 25 connector end to plug into the discovery and the other end is bare wires.

    What do I need to put on the other end to connect to the cap electrodes?

    You were a wonderful resource and wish I had your phone number. If I can get this to work in doing ISF SLorreta training it will be a lifesaver for me. I need the silver chloride sensors and having the dry electrodes will be so much easier for me.

    Thanks in advance for your time and help.

  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA
    edited August 2022

    Gary, hi.

    I see from previous comments on this thread that I gave a detailed, possibly over enthusiastic reply comment in May 2021. That has most of the details on adapting the connectors and adding three additional electrode holders. However, the bad news is that I do not believe the Ultracortex skin impedance, using the passive dry silver chloride combs and cups, is going to work sufficiently with your Discovery. View this thread comment which gives typical impedance ranges we see:

    I did post that in the above comments circa May 2021. Perhaps you missed reading that. To summarize, the first paragraph there states:

    It might be helpful to have some mention in the Ultracortex docs about nominal ranges of expected impedances. Your measurements would suggest say ~200K at forehead area where flat electrodes give better skin contact. And in the range of ~900K (best case) for areas with hair. ...

    Now if you read through the rest of that comment text, you can see that the ADS1299 amplifier chip used in the Cyton and Daisy, has an amplifier INPUT impedance of 1 GIGAOHM. Because the input impedance is so high, the passive dry electrodes used in the Ultracortex can work acceptably in most cases. That same comment also links to the EGI Impedance paper, which gives the rational for how the input impedance can allow higher skin impedances.

    I checked the spec for Discovery, see page 12 of this doc:

    That states input impedance of greater than 1000 Gigaohms, or 1 TeraOhms. Hmm, I don't know, but I wonder if that figure is accurate? Texas Instruments ADS1299 chip used in Cyton, has one of the highest specs of all the available amplifiers. But Brainmaster is 1000 times better?? Possible.

    In any event, your recent comment is stating that less than 15,000 ohms would be required. That is just not what we are seeing with the Ultracortex dry passive system. So I would greatly caution you as far as what you might expect if you assemble this. As you might know, all the other tens of thousands of dollars headsets that Brainmaster offers, are DRY ACTIVE electrode systems, which have a tiny pre-amp behind each electrode. So they are much more forgiving in terms of local skin impedance at each electrode. The passive dry system in Cyton cannot match the performance of such high end headsets.

    I'll reply to your email also, if you have followup comments.


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