OpenBCI Forum
Discussion forum for OpenBCI hardware, software, and headware
Category List
Use this top level for general Hardware questions, use sub-categories for specific boards
Sub-category for the Ganglion 4 channel system
200 discussions 1.2K comments Most recent: GUI for ganglion hangs at Starting Session [resolved] by seign on February 5
Sub-category for the Wifi Shield, allowing higher sample rates / more channels
73 discussions 538 comments Most recent: Wifi shield/Cyton not working after use by wjcroft on March 2024
For those hardware hackers building their own OpenBCI PC boards.
84 discussions 351 comments Most recent: Low-frequency noise (instability?) when BIAS amp is used on custom Cyton-based board by tcreagan on December 2024
For all questions and discussion related to headsets, caps, strap systems for mounting electrodes
107 discussions 758 comments Most recent: SSVEP and Acceptable Ranges for Railing Percent by wjcroft on January 16
For all questions and discussion related to OpenBCI and software development
608 discussions 3.6K comments Most recent: Neuropype: motor imagery tutorial, questions by aaravsharma on January 27
Software sub-category for the OpenBCI_GUI app, written in Processing language.
267 discussions 1.5K comments Most recent: Packet Loss Functionality in Cyton and GUI by wjcroft on January 30
For all questions and discussion related to electrodes for EEG, EMG, ad EKG.
96 discussions 606 comments Most recent: EEG Newb Question: EEG snap electrodes vs Gold Cup electrodes by wjcroft on November 2024
A place to introduce yourself and discuss any and all topics related to the open source community, neuroscience, or brain hacking
138 discussions 747 comments Most recent: Failing to see any SSVEP. Is my raw data bad quality? by wjcroft on January 15
For all questions and discussion related to OpenBCI in research and other research tools for BCI.
82 discussions 420 comments Most recent: research study with Cyton stream + Stimulus marker + Button response by wjcroft on February 6
A place to post or find work or collaboration opportunities related to OpenBCI and brain hacking
76 discussions 137 comments Most recent: Large variety of components available - open to offers by SusanC on January 14
For all questions and discussion related to other platforms / hardware supporting biosensing applications
45 discussions 313 comments Most recent: Cyton+Daisy with RFDuino dongle - data size received by wjcroft on November 2024