Android wifi interface

Hello all,

What started as a senior design project will now be open to the public for use and improvements. My group has been working on an Android app to interface with the Cyton and I have just made the repository public Right now it is in its very early stages and has yet to have much development. Currently, the Cyton is automatically discovered through SSDP when connected to the wifi. The user can also start and stop recording to the microSD card as well as streaming to an MQTT server. We made a few firmware changes too. A status command has been added to check if the board is streaming or recording. This is also displayed in the app. The other firmware change made allows the user to start or stop recording to the microSD card when the program button on the Cyton is pressed. We would love to see this as a starting point for an official Open BCI Android app and for others to contribute. Please fork and pull request for changes. If nothing else you should at least check out the powershell script to make communication with the wifi shield super simple. Come check it out!


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