using neuromore app with either: Wifi, OpenBCI_Hub, or Ganglion ?

wlewinwlewin Australia
edited August 2018 in Wifi Shield
Hi all,

Has anyone had any luck using Neuromore with the Wifi shield?

I can connect and stream data with the openBCI GUI using a Cyton but haven't had any luck with Neuromore recognising the device. 
All the related tutorials expect the use of the bluetooth dongle and COM ports. I had a quick go at setting up virtual COM ports but didn't have much luck.

I've also tried using OSC from the GUI too but don't think it will work as Neuromore requires each OSC message to contain a only single float. 
The GUI lets you transmit as a packet of 8 floats or as a float accompanied by an int representing the channel number so the messages can't be read.

Any help would be hugely appreciated.

Kind regards,


  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA

    They also used to have a forum page at That had not had any posts for a year or so. The forum is now down.

    Are you looking to get higher sample rate (with wifi?) That would require changes in neuromore.


    You could just modify the GUI widget that sends the OSC data.

  • wlewinwlewin Australia
    Thanks for the assistance William,

    I received a reply from neuromore staff saying that wifi shield support is on its way.

    I'll try modifying the OSC GUI widget for now.


  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA
    Ask them if they have a new URL for their online forum. And perhaps their release plans; it has not been available for some years. On their old site, people who applied for access were never answered.

  • @wjcroft i met some of the neuromore team at BCI meeting and sounded like they were picking development back up!

    I hope they add support soon!
  • squadussquadus Los Angeles
    edited August 2018

    Does anyone know if the Ganglion can be used on Neuromore? 

    The Ganglion does not use a COM connection, so I am wondering if there is an alternate way to connect EEG data to Neuromore, perhaps the OSC would work? Just getting started with OpenBCI networking so I apologize if this is a beginner question.
  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA
    @squadus, hi. I merged your neuromore question into this thread, that has some recent info from AJ. If you contact neuromore and hear of any timeframe or details, let us know. The easiest route for neuromore to access Ganglion, would be for them to add support for the OpenBCI Hub. This is the route that BrainBay took.

    And I think I pointed you previously to a BrainBay neurofeedback tutorial. 
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