most probably mishap in streaming eeg signals with openbci python
I am currently streaming with a cyton and 16 channel setup where :
- Bias is connected with the Y connector (on both bottom bias pins of cyton+ganglion board) to AFz
- Both SRB2 are connected respectively on auricular A1 and A2
- the 16 remaining channels are connected on remaining bottom pins of the boards
While connecting with OpenBCI_GUI, the signal seems fine and no channel is railed
Then, I am using openbci_python with a LSL plugin to stream data from the board without filtering.
board = open_bci_v3.OpenBCIBoard(port=ports[0], daisy=True, filter_data=False, scaled_output=True, log=False)...activatePlugin("streamRawLSL",devices+datatypes,plug_list,callback_list,board)...etc...
The strange thing is that most of the channels in the received signal seem to be drifting. I am new to the field so there must be something I have not checked yet. Any idea?
see below some of the streamed channels:
Your high pass filter should be at least greater than 1Hz, not 0.5Hz sorry