most probably mishap in streaming eeg signals with openbci python

I am currently streaming with a cyton and 16 channel setup where : 
- Bias is connected with the Y connector (on both bottom bias pins of cyton+ganglion board) to AFz
- Both SRB2 are connected respectively on auricular A1 and A2
- the 16 remaining channels are connected on remaining bottom pins of the boards

While connecting with OpenBCI_GUI, the signal seems fine and no channel is railed

Then, I am using openbci_python with a LSL plugin to stream data from the board without filtering.

board = open_bci_v3.OpenBCIBoard(port=ports[0],  daisy=True,  filter_data=False, scaled_output=True, log=False) 

The strange thing is that most of the channels in the received signal seem to be drifting. I am new to the field so there must be something I have not checked yet. Any idea?
see below some of the streamed channels:


  • @compmonks this is actually a normal trait of the EEG signal, the DC drift! It's pretty cool :) totally normal to see.
  • ha ok thanks. Reassuring :)
    Which kind of filter is generally used in python to normalize this?
  • At a minimum you should use a high pass filter of 0.5Hz or greater
  • Thanks. But how would that work when the drift varies over channels and time?
    Is there a standard way to adapt the filter over time and channels with scipy signal for example?

  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA
    The high pass filter will remove it. Because the DC offset (drift), is at a very low frequency, below .5 or even .1 hz.

    The Networking widget / LSL has a checkbox to turn on filtering before the LSL data is sent out.
  • I am currently having an issue with the Networking Widget of the GUI : So I cannot check it that way
    But so far I have tried directly a bandpass filter in python with a recorded file with no success. I try to put the filter as low as .1 Hz to not alter too much the data

    So with recorded signals as shown above I use
    from scipy import signal
    def makeBandPassFilterOnData(self,the_data,sampling_freq=125,the_order=8,arr_freq=[.1,20.],timeaxis=0,btype='band'):
    freq = [] 
     fn = sampling_freq/2 # calculate the nyquist frequency 
     for f in arr_freq: 
     freq.append(f/fn) # create low and high freq passes 
    b,a = signal.butter(the_order,freq,btype = btype)
    data = signal.lfilter(b, a,the_data, axis=timeaxis) 
    return data

  • edited April 2018
    I heard you can use UDP to stream into matlab instead of LSL in the meantime.

    Your high pass filter should be at least greater than 1Hz, not 0.5Hz sorry
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