Unable to input OpenBCI LSL stream in BCILAB
Hi all,
And then gives the following message when I interrupt:
Strangely enough, when I run LSL's ReceiveData.py I'm able to receive the stream just fine. However, when I run ReceiveData.m it again gets stuck at:
And then when I interrupt:
I would like to use MatLab + BCILAB to pre-process, classify, and visualize real-time EEG data from OpenBCI.
Using an OpenBCI board streaming into LSL I'd like to stream into MatLab with BCILAB's LSL receive. In the BCILAB doc it says that if you do this and then select the following option:
You should be able to stream live data into BCILAB. However, BCILAB gets stuck on:
Looking for a device with type='EEG' ...
Operation terminated by user during lsl_resolve_bypred (line 35)
In run_readlsl (line 108)
result = lsl_resolve_bypred(lib,opts.data_query); end
>> ReceiveDataLoading the library...Resolving an EEG stream...
Operation terminated by user during lsl_resolve_byprop (line 37)In ReceiveData (line 9)result = lsl_resolve_byprop(lib,'type','EEG'); end
It seems MatLab's LSL isn't able to resolve the EEG stream from OpenBCI even though Python LSL can. What do I need to do to?
Python 2.7 virtual environment
BCILAB 1.2 alpha
Matlab 2013b ( 8.2) with this patch (BCILAB is buggy with more recent MatLab versions)
Operation terminated by user during lsl_resolve_bypred (line 35)
Thanks in advance for the help.
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 10.0px Courier; color: #25992d}
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%% instantiate the library
disp('Loading the library...');
lib = lsl_loadlib();
% resolve a stream...
disp('Resolving an EEG stream...');
result = {};
while isempty(result)
result = lsl_resolve_byprop(lib,'type','EEG');