Have you seen the movie "Listening"? / BCI telepathy

Have you seen the movie "Listening"? If so, what did you think?

I'm thinking the 4-channels of my Ganglion has me almost on their level, but to be able to read people's thoughts with a really high level of accuracy I might need to save up for a Cyton board. Incidentally, the movie is on Netflix.

I'm thinking the 4-channels of my Ganglion has me almost on their level, but to be able to read people's thoughts with a really high level of accuracy I might need to save up for a Cyton board. Incidentally, the movie is on Netflix.
Still, I feel like you're dodging the question, William! Science Fiction has it's place too. Did you see this flick? I'm just curious. I'm watching it now for the 2nd time.
I found that movie after watching a BCI telepathy experiment by Berkeley students several years ago (it involved a simple computer game both participants were playing, with one thinking instructions to the other). Between those 2, my interested was very much primed.
This reminds me about MagStim machines and the other brain-input TMS devices. They are all crazy-expensive aren't they? I bet that you and your team of EE ninjas could come up with an affordable homebrew version of it for us to buy like you did with the EEG boards