Medical student here, getting interested in BCI

As titled, I'm a medical student who recently came across this subject and became interested.

May I know if there are any medical professionals in this field, and what are they doing in general? What are their roles in researching?

What are the big topics / areas of research in this field?

I am aware of invasive VS non-invasive BCI. What are the differences in their current applications / performances?

If I want to do a PhD, what do I need to know? And, where should I go?


  • These are quite general questions - can you narrow them down?

    Neurologists specializing in epilepsy are the main physicians who utilize EEG. There is a very diverse array of non-clinical research using EEG for a variety of applications.
  • hackrhackr Maryland, USA
    edited August 2017
    No, there are absolutely no medical professionals involved in BCI. ;) Of course, 5 seconds spent on PubMed, Google, Google Scholar, or even YouTube would show you that I'm being a tad bit sarcastic. My local hang out for you med types, Johns Hopkins, has a number of them engaged in BCI/BMI controlled robotic prosthetics. There's a nice YouTube video on a guy who got the cutting edge BCI arm from Hopkins a few years ago.

    If you want to do a PhD in a related field, I would suggest Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, AI, or ML (the latter 2 sometimes being actual majors, but more often being concentrations of CS). Then you find a professor who is interested in BCI, get them to be your major professor, and BCI will be the focus of your PhD.
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