Out of My Depths! Railed.

edited March 2017 in General Discussion

I just got my Mark IV, put it together, downloaded the OpenBCI software and the Ganglion Hub to my Mac, plugged in the dongle, opened the GUI, connected to /dev/cu.ubserial-DQ007O7O, pressed Start System, clicked on "Start Data Stream" and every channel said, "RAILED". 

Not sure what to do. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Also, here's a pic of how I've got my wires plugged into the Cyton board: 





  • biomurphbiomurph Brooklyn, NY

    Please refer to the Cyton Getting Started Guide to confirm that your electrodes are connected to the proper pins. 
    It looks like you are connecting to the TOP row, while our software and firmware defaults to the BOTTOM row for connecting electrodes, BIAS and SRB.
  • That would be an incredibly easy fix. I'll check asap and let you know. Thanks!
  • It works! Thank you! 

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