Init timeout error with 32bit Board

Hi ,

I have just received a 32bit Board but I’m having trouble
getting it to live stream data, perhaps someone can help?  The error I’m getting is:

Init timeout Verify your Serial/COM Port Power DOWN/UP your
USB Dongle Then retry Initialization

The GUI works fine for the synthetic data and the dongle is
recognised by the software (COM4).  There
is a constant blue light on the 32bit board.

When I plug the dongle in I get a single blue LED flash next
to where it says “gpio2”, but no further lights come on.

I have reinstalled the FTDI drivers and tried to two computers
(one running windows 7 and another with windows 8).

Is this likely to be a problem with the dongle? Would anyone
recommend reinstalling the firmware as the next step, or is there some other
test I can do to identify the problem?

I would really appreciate any help, thanks in advance.


  • Hi

    Thanks for the reply, I read through the thread, the discussion was about an 8 bit board, whereas mine is a 32 bit, and I wasn’t sure if the LED should respond in the same way. What I wanted to confirm was; should the LED on the dongle remain on/solid if it is working correctly? Mine only blinks once when I plug it into a USB port and then remains off.

    If the problem is with the dongle, then I will try re-uploading the firmware as suggested in the thread.


  • With 32 bit board, both the dongle and board's blue LEDs come on and stay on (at least mine do :) )
  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA
    edited March 2016
    James, yes, the dongle blue LED comes on solid when plugged in. Then the orange LED on the dongle flashes / flickers as data from the mainboard is received. Try the reload or blink test mentioned there in that thread. You are getting the COM port showing up, so that is a good sign you may be able to reflash. 32 bit flash instructions here,
  • Hello,

    My lab recently received two OBCI v3 32bit boards that I cannot seem to get to connect to the radio dongle. I have scoured the forum and none of the obvious solutions have resolved this, but I will detail my procedures below. All the following procedures were tested on Windows 10 and Windows 32/64 bit 7 using numerous USB ports. I've tested this using the standalone OBCI 32/64 bit standalone GUIs as well as Processing, as recommended in the forum. The FTDI drivers have also been uninstalled/reinstalled on these machines.

    The switch on the dongle is set to "GPIO 6" and when connected, the red TXD led flashes once and the blue led lights up and stays lit. COM ports appear/disappear in DeviceManager as expected when the dongle is plugged in/removed. The appropriate COM ports (3 or 4 depending on the dongle used) appears and is selected in the GUI during testing. 

    Regarding the boards themselves, they have been powered using a fresh set of batteries as well as a fully charged adafruit battery pack. The boards do seem to behave differently with the LEDs. When switched to "PC", one board has a constant blue LED, whereas the other board is constantly blinking. My understanding is that the constant blue LED is expected, but the blinking does seem to be unusual. This blinking was present when this board was originally powered on for the first time.

    When attempting to connect to the OBCI board the yellow led initially flashes very briefly. This brief flash occurs again after which I receive the timeout error.

    Thank you in advance for the help. I'm excited to get this system up and running!
  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA
    @Jabernet, hi.

    I merged your post into this existing thread. The mainboard with the blinking LED sounds like the firmware is acting oddly. Can you try reflashing the firmware in one or both of your boards? See the posts above.


  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA
    edited March 2016
    The thread link above for reloading the firmware further links to an 8-bit firmware, but since you have the 32 bit board, use the instructions here for reflashing,

  • Thanks for the response. Unfortunately, I ran into an error when compiling (link to error log below). The files in question seem to be in the appropriate directories, so I am unclear as to what the issue is.

    From the instructions, I can confirm that Arduino IDE version 1.6.5 has been installed, the ‘OpenBCI_32_Daisy’ and ‘OBCI_SD’ directories have been extracted and placed in the Documents/Arduino/libraries folder, the ‘OpenBCI_32bit’ directory is in the Documents/Arduino folder, and the chipKIT-core board files have been installed. Also, dongle is set to 'GPIO6', board is set to 'PC' and in bootlogger mode, and is blinking "pleasantly". 
  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA
    See if this thread helps. The only error message in that compiler output is at the end, missing plib.h.

    If you get certain errors or messages, you can also try using the Search box in the right column, for example,

  • Apologies for not performing the obvious search there. The information in that link did work for one of the boards though, so thank you! I believe the remaining issue is the COM for one of the radio dongles is incorrect, but I already seen the documentation on this, so I think I'm good!

    Regarding the solution, I followed the bootloader sequence recommended:

    1.Power dongle and board down
    2.Power dongle up
    3.Press RST on board
    4.Power board up
    5.Press PROG on board
    6.Release RST on board
    7.Release PROG on board

    and replaced the chipKIT core 2016.1.10 release build files with the 2015.10.18 test build ones.

    Thanks again!
  • I'm unable to re-upload the firmware. I have followed all the instructions in this thread:

    and I am able to get it to compile in Arduino 1.6.5, but it will not upload, the error is "No target found"

    The COM port is showing up, but there is no light on the dongle other than a single flash when it is first plugged in (the switch is set to gpio6)

    Could this be a problem with the RFduino in the Dongle? 


  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA
    Can you try reflashing your dongle? You have a working COM port. Good detective work!

  • biomurphbiomurph Brooklyn, NY

    Please make sure you are using Arduino 1.6.5 and also when you load the chipKIT core into Arduino, use the method 2 on the chipKIT wiki

    2) Manual install by copying ZIP file

  • I've managed to reflash the dongle, now I have a solid blue LED when I plug the dongle in, so it seems that worked. However when I try to upload code to the board I still get "No target found".
    So I guess the next step is to find a 0.1uF capacitor and reflash the Board RFduino.
    Is it necessary to use version 1.6.5 of Arduino IDE to upload code to the board and Version 1.5.8 to upload code to the RFduino? Or is 1.6.5 OK for everything
  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA
    James, that's good news regarding your dongle reflash. Are you certain that the channels match between the mainboard RFduino and the dongle RFduino? The mainboard channel number should be on the bag it came in. And when you reflash you edit that number into the source code.
  • biomurphbiomurph Brooklyn, NY

    use Arduino 1.5.8 for the RFduino module ONLY.
    use Arduino 1.6.5 for flashing the PIC over air.

    We are working on a way to make the radio channel selection more accessible to our users...
  • Finally got everything working :-) You were right wjcroft, the channel number was incorrect, so I only needed to reflash the dongle. Thanks for the help.
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