stimulus integration
Greetings, I do work on auditory responses in the brain. I need to integrate auditory signals with brainwaves, such that in my EEG recording I know when the subject hears a specific sound. For past experiments with biosemi and neuroscan systems, I've used a computer program (MaxMSP) to play a sound (like a drum beat) and send a signal via serial port to the EEG system. The EEG system creates an additional channel in the recording to accommodate these external triggers which is at the same sample rate as the brain signals with a consistent latency value.
Does the openBCI system have a way to accept other signals at the hardware level? They could be analog or digital in nature. Or will I have to find a way to integrate them at the software level on my computer?
Does the openBCI system have a way to accept other signals at the hardware level? They could be analog or digital in nature. Or will I have to find a way to integrate them at the software level on my computer?
The native system does not inherrently have a manner for external 3rd-party stimulus integration (e.g. triggers).
Generally, the idea is that you se the same program for data acquisition and stimulation.
one classic way to get around this is to sacrifice one of the ADC lines and use that to record your triggers... may need to be careful that the output is pulled down into a reasonable range (mV at most) to avoid topping out the amp.