OpenBCI_GUI: ADS1299_gain (scale factor) always x24?
I have two questions related to ads1299 amplification functionality.
1. ADS1299 allows up to x24 amplification of the EEG signals. In many ERP related research the amplification used is around x100K and even more. Is there any plan to support this in OpenBCI?
2. In the OpenBCI code, I have noticed that the scale factor doesn't change even if the AD1299 amplification
itself change by the user (i.e., the scale factor seems to be a function of "ADS1299_gain" and gain is controlled by the user, however, the ADS1299_gain is always set to x24 )
"float scale_fac_uVolts_per_count = ADS1299_Vref / ((float)(pow(2,23)-1)) / ADS1299_gain * 1000000.f; //ADS1299 datasheet Table 7, confirmed through experiment"
Answering your first question, reference,
At x24 scale factor, the low order bit of the 24 bit samples represents 0.02235 microVolts. That is already WAY small. You could say that the 4 or 5 lowest bits are essentially 'noise'.
I have not checked the OpenBCI_GUI code in the way it sets the ADS1299_gain or hardware registers. Perhaps Conor @obci_conor or Joel @biomurph will comment here.
Unfortunately, because the per-channel gain was not correctly tracked by the GUI, some people have started to use the channel gain settings as a way to see their ECG within the GUI. While that will work to qualitatively see the signal...all of the microvolt readings will be incorrect, so *quantitatively, it's wrong.