Changing GUI Defualt Settings (max file duration & write to SD card)

Am I able to change the GUI default settings so:
1) 'Max File Duration' is set to 'No Limit'
2) 'Write to SD Card' is set to '12 hour maximum'
I would like these settings show when the GUI is opened. Is this possible?
Thanks for your help!


  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA

    Mentioning Richard @retiutut, the GUI developer.

  • Hello!
    Just following up my previous post. Is it possible to change the GUI default settings?
    Thanks for your help!

  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA

    Some settings are saved. You can view the source code here:

    If you are NOT seeing the max file duration and sd card time being saved, that means these are not currently being handled. Feel free to make your own local source code mods.

  • retiututretiutut Louisiana, USA

    I understand that ControlPanel is a really big file, but this happens to be where the callback function for the SD card dropdown is, and you would connect this with the GuiSettings.pde similar to other settings.

  • Hi wjcroft and retiutut,
    Thanks for your advice.
    I see the 'Max file duration' options are included in SessionSettings.pde. See line 53 for 'defaultOBCIMaxFileSize'.

    I also see the 'Write to SD card settings' options are include in BoardCyton.pde and ControlPanel.pde.

    In order to change the GUI default settings so:
    1) 'Max File Duration' is set to 'No Limit'
    2) 'Write to SD Card' is set to '12 hour maximum'

    Would I just need to edit:
    1) SessionSettings.pde, line 53: 'public final int defaultOBCIMaxFileSize = 3' to 'public final int defaultOBCIMaxFileSize = 5' ?
    2) All lines in BoardCyton.pde and ControlPanel.pde where it says 'CytonSDMode.NO_WRITE' to 'CytonSDMode.MAX_12HR' ?
    Or would I also need to make changes to other files such as GuiSettings.pde?

    Thanks for your help.


  • Hello,
    Just following my previous post.
    Is what I have suggested correct? or is there a different process I would need to follow?
    Thanks for your help, it is much appreciated.

  • Hello again,
    Just following my previous post.
    Is what I have suggested correct? or is there a different process I would need to follow?
    Thanks for your help, it is much appreciated.

  • Hello again,
    Are you able to provide any advice regarding my previous posts?
    Is what I have suggested correct? or is there a different process I would need to follow?
    Thanks for your help, it is much appreciated.

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