I am having problem to put my data in the OPENBCI_GUI

I am currently studying BCI and have built a model in Python to identify the movement of the left and right hand. I want to test this model in real time using the playback option with LSL, but I'm having difficulty applying my data in the OPENBCI_GUI.
I bought the EEG device from OPENBCI with 16 channels, but it will take some time to arrive. So, I want to test my model now to save time in the future. Does anyone know how I can load data that wasn’t recorded with the OpenBCI EEG into the GUI?
My current data header looks like this:
%OpenBCI Raw EXG Data
%Number of channels = 16
%Sample Rate = 125 Hz
%Board = Cyton+Daisy
Sample Index, EXG Channel 0, EXG Channel 1, EXG Channel 2, EXG Channel 3, EXG Channel 4, EXG Channel 5, EXG Channel 6, EXG Channel 7, EXG Channel 8, EXG Channel 9, EXG Channel 10, EXG Channel 11, EXG Channel 12, EXG Channel 13, EXG Channel 14, EXG Channel 15, Accel Channel 0, Accel Channel 1, Accel Channel 2, Not Used, Digital Channel 0 (D11), Digital Channel 1 (D12), Digital Channel 2 (D13), Digital Channel 3 (D17), Not Used, Digital Channel 4 (D18), Analog Channel 0, Analog Channel 1, Analog Channel 2, Timestamp, Marker Channel, Timestamp (Formatted)
I think the problem might be with the Board field, as I don’t know the correct name for the GUI to recognize the 16-electrode setup.
Thank you in advance for your attention!
This is the board string:
%Board = OpenBCI_GUI$BoardCytonSerialDaisy
Example on this page: