OpenBCI equivalent of Emotiv Training software?

Hope you are doing great. I wanted to ask what could be the equivalent of Emotiv's software's ability to train a particular thought and use it for example in a game or to control an RC car, but with OpenBCI hardware?

I see some people using Mindaffect BCI to do something similar but I think it only supports 4 channels and wet electrodes, though I'm not completely sure. I'm new to programming so any guidance would be appreciated.

I wanted to create a game to help kids with ADHD focus better.


  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA

    It has been unclear to observers of the Emotiv 'thought recognition' concept -- if it is truly doing that or something else. They are measuring BOTH EEG and EMG activity during the training. So any extremely subtle and unconscious movements you make on your face or scalp, are also part of the training protocol. Thus it is not exclusively EEG 'thought recognition', which is not a realistic BCI paradigm in use by other respected authorities. For example g.tec, see Toolbox list on 2nd page:

    Here is a paper on the accuracy of the Emotiv training. In general they are getting success rates from about 40% to 60%. In other words, not much better than chance. See Conclusions section on page 31.

    See the recent tutorials on MindAffect on the Communities page. This is much more accurate than Emotiv. It uses visual evoked potentials, VEP, a form utilizing pseudo random codes and light stimulation, cVEP code based VEP.

    As far as ADHD focus games, there are already a variety of these available, that do not require EEG. They just present a visual challenge / concentration game on screen. Here is one commercial version that runs on iPad:

    Regards, William

  • Apologies for the late reply. Thank you for the response, this clears a lot of doubts. I'll go through these links thoroughly and come back if I have something to ask or add. Take care

  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA

    Below link is not "thought recognition", but may still be relevant for your project.

  • Thanks A LOT.

  • @wjcroft Can we use MindAffect using Opnebci hardware, or do we need to do some modifications? I read somewhere that the scalp connectivity should be good. I also have conscious labs sensors, would they work? Thank you

  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA

    Hi Braham,

    Yes Ganglion and Cyton work just fine with MindAffect cVEP BCI system. See the recent tutorials on the Community page,

    It is recommended to use wet type electrodes, tutorials covers this. ThinkPulse actives 'probably' work, since Conscious Labs offers a similar cVEP speller package.

    But if the calibration tests are marginal (instead of working strongly), then adding a bit of water to the electrodes can help.


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