Cyton connection issues
I am in a lab at the University of Rhode Island and I have been using OpenBCI for 5 months. I am a mac user so I use the GUI v6.0.0-beta.1 version of this software. My lab uses the cyton board. When we go to run the software it does not always run. We get error codes like "Found a cycton board but can not connect to board". We try to quit the software and reopen and that only works sometimes. We also try to manually connect and sometimes it says a random channel but how do you fix this? Is there anything we can do to always have the OpenBCI run? Is there something we can try? Also, when we stream from on Thonny using the open BCI serial number "/dev/cu.usbserial-DQ00847E", and also classify the arguments, but do we have to stream through the OpenBCI platform to get accurate results
Hi Eliane,
re: "... cannot connect to board..."
Because the Cyton uses a form of Bluetooth wireless protocol to connect from mainboard to the dongle, the electromagnetic environment in the room you are in, can have an impact. Interference from other wireless devices, other Cyton's, cell towers, extension cords, power supplies, LED lamps, conduits (in walls, floors, ceilings), etc. -- can all impact reception. One common suggestion to improve signal quality is to use a usb extension cord to position the dongle closer to the Cyton. For example you might drape the dongle over the top of the display monitor you are using.
If you have multiple Cyton's operating simultaneously in the same area, these need to be on separate radio channel numbers to avoid crosstalk interference. Expand the dropdown section 5 to see how to put each Cyton / dongle pair on its own channel.
re: "...but do we have to stream through the OpenBCI platform to get accurate results..."
No, you can stream either directly with Brainflow, or use the GUI. The GUI in fact is using the same Brainflow library to talk to the Cyton.
Regards, William