Measuring EMG and ECG Signals

I recently started measuring EMG, EKG, and EEG signals with the Ganglion Board, but the problem is that I’m not getting a clean signal—it’s full of noise. Even though I measured the impedance, and it’s in the green range, I’m still having issues. Can someone please help me? It seems pretty easy, but it’s just not working. Here’s a photo of the EMG signal; no matter what I do, I only get this.


    i did the same thing as in this website but it did not work

  • Two things:
    1. What operating system are you using?
    2. Did you apply any filters?

  • hi DashBarkhuss,
    I am using Windows 11 and have set the band pass in the Ganglion software, but it didn't help much.

  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA

    Nabi, hi.

    If you are using mixed EEG, EMG, ECG signals, you have to be very careful about your references / differential mode. EEG assumes using the board switches to select the common reference mode. Whereas ECG and EMG amplitudes are so high, they must use the differential switch setting mode so as to not contaminate the EEG signal.


  • thanks wjcroft, but i already knew it. i had the switchs in correct position.

  • Do you get a similar signal if the EMG isn't connected to your body, or do the other channels that aren't connected also have a strange signal?

  • no,i don't, i already found the problem. the issue was that my board was near the power source and it produced some noice. now i can measure clean EMG signals.

  • i have another quastion about ECG signals. i am using Ganglion and Cython board. when i am using cython i get claen ECG-Signals but when i use Ganglion i get low-Amplitude-Signals. can some body help me out and tell me what can i do to strenghten the signals which i measure with Ganglion Board

    hear is a picture from ECG signal, which i got from Ganglion board

  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA

    Have you tried turning OFF the Time Series, Vertical Scale 'Auto' mode, and just using a fixed scale for the graph? Your large pulse that happens occasionally is causing the other three pulses shown to 'appear' to be lower magnitude.

    Adjust your electrode positions or quality so that you get more consistent pulse height.

  • Thanks, have already tried that, but it didn't work. i gonna try to find a better position to improve the signals-quality.
    Best regards

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