In search of old hardware schematic for the ads1299 breakout board

in Hardware
I was going through the @wjcroft github and I found a project using ads 1299 and rPi. The breakout board looks really compact but the repository doesnt have the schematic. Can some help me find it?
That was an old project of AJ Keller. You could try contacting him directly. However a better route would be the current iteration of the Pi board.
Great! Thank you so much. I was specifically looking for something compact, and your board fits that requirement perfectly. The piEEG isn't as compact in comparison.
Could you please confirm the following for me?
P.S I used ChatGPT to improve the above message, as English isn't my first language.
Thank you @wjcroft
The PiEEG has a Github I believe. AJ Keller's project never produced any products beyond his prototype. Not sure if AJ even had the software to drive the board. PiEEG comes with software.
For safety reasons, any EEG system should be either battery powered, or comply with IEC 60601 medical standards. Neither of these board comply with 60601. Nor does OpenBCI, but those boards ARE battery powered.
I would be cautious with the PiEEG design. Some previous noise measurements I've seen, imply that they may not be complying with Texas Instruments "star ground" / multi-plane design standards (shown in the data sheet). And PiEEG recommends you connect the Pi digital Ground pin to the client. (As a noise reduction workaround.)