openbci-ceegrids CythonDaisy Board- GUI

Hi Folks,
I assembled openbci-ceegrids and want to start testing them. Once I wanted to do a stream, I got this error: I failed to initialize the board. Please check that the board is on and has the power. See Console Log for more details". Here is my console log information:
[log file removed as issue was resolved]
Also, the Cython daisy board is on, and I can see its blue lighting.
Thanks; now I can run the stream, but only the first 8 channels are working, which is related to the Cython board. It seems the Daisy is not working.
I would greatly appreciate your support.
Hi Sourous,
Changing the electrodes should not affect the GUI or the Cyton+Daisy+dongle.
Have you tried just using your previous electrodes and starting the GUI as you did in the past to see if the Daisy is functional? Is it possible the connection between the Daisy board and mainboard is intermittent?
Hi Mount Shasta,
Thanks for your reply. The previous one was for 16 channels ALL-IN-ONE BIOSENSING R&D BUNDLE and it has its own cython-disy board. But now I am using another Daisy board which comes with openbci-ceegrids. I tried a lot to reassemble it, and now I am pretty sure the assembly is correct, and there is some problem with the daisy board.!
As you can see, all the first 8 channels are working, but the next 8 are not working, which is related to the Daisy board.
I do not know what should I do.
You need to email customer support, (contact at and explain the issue with the Daisy. They will either be able to give you tips on reseating the Daisy, or send you a new Daisy or mainboard.
Sure, I will do that. Thank you so much.
It is possible that your SRB2 references are not connected with a Y-cable, or the Y-cable is defective.
Section in above document:
Also, I tried now again, and I noticed that the board streams the data even if the electrodes are not connected! It seems the signals are kind of random. Also, after connecting the electrodes, some of them are not railed. Also, I checked the impedance, and most of them are between 10 and kOhm.

EEG amplifiers are highly sensitive to environmental EMF (electromagnetic fields) noise. The 1.1 microvolt noise you see is normal for free floating electrode wires. You MUST have all electrodes and reference and ground (bias) connected to skin to get valid readings.
Thank you so much for the reply. I tried to reconnect all of them again, and the signals from my 16-channel headset wer totally ok and in the range of 100 microvolts, but suddenly, it was in the range of 2000 micro volts. I did not change anything, and also, no devices are near me to affect the emf.
I reset the board, also.
Would you mind helping me solve the problem?
Thanks in advance
If you see all the channels exhibiting similar behavior, such as jumping from 100 uV range to 2000 uV range, then you should suspect something weird happening with your reference electrode connection. Since this is the differential voltage that is shared with all channels 1 to 16. Be sure the skin contact (both gel and adhesive layer) on the reference electrode position is solidly in place.
If you have other questions on the cEEGrid, I suggest you email customer support, (contact at
Thank you so much. I already contacted them. But my new problem is about the ultracortex 16 channels eeg headset. I worked with it, and it worked perfectly, but suddenly, it started giving me those weird signals that I attached. Since the reference electrodes are ear clips, I checked all of them and all other connections but still have the same problem.

As you can see, the same noise is present on ALL channels. Meaning that your SRB2 reference lead is the thing in common. I would suspect a poor ear clip connection. Try swapping the two ear clips and slightly moistening the ear lobe before attaching.
Position yourself away from ALL other electronic equipment: power cords, LED lights, power supplies, extension cords, wireless gear, etc.
Thank you so much for the information. I checked everything, swapped the ear clips, and checked that the two SRBs were connected with Y splitter to one of the ear clips, but I am still getting very weird signals.

Please consider emailing (contact at, customer support.
Since your noise is on all channels, that is your best clue. Does the noise change when you move to other environments, get away from electronics, etc.? Did you try moistening the ear lobes before applying the clip?
Thank you so much for the information. No, the noise is the same in another environment. I did all of those suggestions, but the problem still has not been solved. Sure, I will contact them.
Just noticed on your screenshot, that your notch is set at 50 Hz, but you are located in US, which is 60 Hz mains. So please correct your notch filter to 60 Hz. This probably explains the issue, but I don't understand how you were working in the past with the wrong notch filter.
I usually do bandpass filters between 0.5 and 45 Hz, which would attenuate all other frequencies. Also, I think it is already set to 60 Hz.
The last screen shot shows notch at 50 Hz, plainly. Maybe you have both turned on?
Even with a bandpass, you always still need a notch at your mains, which is 60 here in US.
Oh, I see. I think it will automatically attenuate signals at 50 Hz. I set the max frequency at 100 Hz, but it will still attenuate at 50 Hz.