For ECGP and ECGN in any channel there is lead status available showing whether electrode is in contact with skin or not.
In a similar way it it possible to know whether the RLD/Bias sensor is connected to my body or not?
If it is possible how to do so?
If Bias is disconnected you may see higher mains noise levels. And the 'lead-off' indications may not function. For all technical questions suggest you consult the datasheet for the ADS1299.
Note that 'lead-off' detection (hardware feature, 'AC-lead-off') in the ADS1299, is essentially the same as the method used to determine per channel impedance values. A small current is injected. Normally this feature is turned off with the Cyton firmware, it is only on during impedance checks. See the data sheet.
See page 32 of the data sheet regarding Bias-off detection. This power-up feature is not currently implemented in the Cyton firmware.