how to recharge lithium ion battery
I have the Ganglion board and need to recharge the battery. Is my understanding correct that I need to unplug the battery from the board and then plug it into the USB charger? If so, is there a secret button that releases the anchor that is lodged in the Ganglion board? I can't seem to get it out.
Also, can just plug the USB charger into my laptop USB, and it will turn off the charging activity once the battery is charged? I see there's are 2 indicators on the charger: "charging" and "done".
Use your fingernails of index finger and thumb to grab the connector at the 'indents' depressions. Wiggle left-right as you exert a pulling force. Do NOT pull in the cable itself. Alternately you can use small pliers to grab it, such as needlenose pliers. Use the same wiggle motion.
Charger stops charge when complete.
Aha. Ok, got it. Thank you.