Problem regarding EEG signals
I have captured EEG signals with EEG headband kit and Cyton board. When I plot the raw signal with MNE I can see an uptrend in the signal so I tried with filters. the main problem is the microvolt values capturing through GUI doesn't tally with the values from the saved file. so I tried with Lab Streaming Layer. Below is the signal I plot from the data I captured from it. can you please tell me whether the captured signal is correct?
this is channel 1
this is channel 2
this is channel 3
Hi Bathiya,
The recordings are RAW with no filters applied. The GUI windows have applied the filters you selected.
As you can see from the graphs above, you have huge mains noise (50 or 60 Hz), and a "DC offset". These are easily removed with appropriate filtering. Such as a bandpass from say .5 Hz to 45 Hz and a notch at your mains frequency.