cEEGrid and P300 speller
in Electrodes
Sorry for my english and for the question... .
I read on your website something about your cEEGrid. Do you think that is it possible to use cEEGrid with a P300 speller?
If the question is stupid, I am sorry!!!
Hi Etc,
Did you see the paper referenced on the Shop page? Measuring auditory P300.
Unobtrusive ambulatory EEG using a smartphone and flexible printed electrodes around the ear
See this paper regarding typical P300 electrode positions,
And similar articles,
One hypothesis may be that auditory P300 signal origins may be closer to the cEEGrid sites, but that this may differ for visual P300 tasks, such as your speller question.
Are you aware of the MindAffect free cVEP speller? It likely outperforms any P300 based systems.
Thank you very much, you are always very gentle!
Sorry! I didn't see this your sentence "One hypothesis may be that auditory P300 signal origins may be closer to the cEEGrid sites, but that this may differ for visual P300 tasks, such as your speller question."
You write "may differ". Perhaps to date is there any trial with cEEGrid and Visual P300 tasks?
Thank you!
You'll have to do that searching yourself. I have not been following cEEGrid work closely. Perhaps suggest asking the original developers of cEEGGrid their opinion on suitability for P300 spellers.
As I said before P300 spellers are much slower and less versatile than cVEP based solutions. Suggest reading the MindAffect docs.
Only to say to you that the software solution (Cvep by Mindaffcet) perhaps is not more available and running. I wrote a mail to
[email protected] 3 days ago to get some more information but I didn't any answer.
The MindAffect developer left his university and started to work for Facebook / Meta. However ALL the source code and documentation is still online. Many videos also.
Thank you!