Ganglion saving to text but not to BDF
in OpenBCI_GUI
Hi, am running the Ganglion with OpenBCI_GUI, I was able to save to the csv and txt file no problem. But when I use the same scenario but choose the BDF file format, it saves the file, but with nothing in it.
Does anyone know what I should be doing differently?
Note, in both cases I ran the GUI "Run as Administrator", have over 300 GB, firmware is up-to-date, latest OpenBCI_GUI, and running on Microsoft 10.
Please advise!
Mentioning Richard @retiutut, the GUI developer.
Thanks wjcroft.
This seems to be a rare issue, but hopefully Richard has some ideas.
Also, in case this helps, yesterday the bdf did work briefly,
but the results were very damaged, here is a snippet:
ÿBIOSEMIX X X X X X X X X 18.12.2301.52.351536 24BIT 6 1 5 EEG 1 EEG 2 EEG 3 EEG 4 BDF Annotations AgAgCl electrode AgAgCl electrode AgAgCl electrode AgAgCl electrode uV uV uV uV -187500 -187500 -187500 -187500 -15686 187500 187500 187500 187500 15686 -8388608-8388608-8388608-8388608-83886088388607 8388607 8388607 8388607 8388607 200 200 200 200 20 \ÿÿ( ÿÿøþÿ ‹ÿÿÐþÿÔÿÿ îþÿrÿÿ5 ;ÿÿÿÿ5 ²ÿÿàþÿìÿÿ óþÿrÿÿC Aÿÿÿÿ3 ¡ÿÿÔþÿÔÿÿ÷ÿÿàþÿ^ÿÿ" ÿÿêþÿ
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Realize that BDF or EDF are binary formats and cannot be 'displayed' as text. You can read in BDF or EDF with the EDFBrowser program, free.
Oh I see, thank you!
So looks BDF briefly did work, and then stopped working for some reason.
Have you tried rebooting your computer, reloading the GUI, using latest GUI version?
Thanks wjcroft, I just tried that, but no luck
Hi Richard and wjcroft
I just noticed that when using the OpenBCI-GUI that there is a difference when I choose the OpenBCI (csv) versus the BDF file.
So when I choose the OpenBCI (csv) file, and then get to the point where I click on the "Stop the Data Stream", and then click on "Stop Session", it takes me back to the "System Control Panel" very quickly. And the OpenBCI (csv) file is saved with lots of data.
But when I pick the BDF file, and then start and stop the Data stream and click on "Stop Session", it does NOT take me back to the "System Control Panel" at all, so I end up just closing the program. And although there is a new BDF file, it is empty of data.
Hope this helps to uncover the cause of this vexing issue.
Hi Richard and wjcroft,
Good news, I got out my old laptop and tried it there and it saved to the BDF file no problem.
And when I clicked on "Stop Session", it DID take me back to the "System Control Panel",
so that could be a clue as to what is causing this problem.
If you you have any ideas, would really appreciate that as I much prefer using my desktop to my slow laptop.
Thanks a bunch,
P.S. Also, at one point I had put a default to Notepad for the BDF files so that I could take quick peeks,
could that be a weird cause?
Can you use your desktop system and follow the 'troubleshooting' directions below to produce a console log file? That will give more clues.
Paste the log file text lines as a reply comment. Mentioning @retiutut.
Hi wjcroft, here is the console, part 1:
And here is part 2:
And part 3:
Katie, thanks much for posting that.
Hi Richard @retiutut and @Andrey1994, the GUI fails on her desktop but works on her old laptop. The log file above is the desktop. I see the 'exception' appears to be:
Any ideas on why this may be happening on her desktop? Workarounds?
Regards, William
This is really strange and not able to be replicated on modern Windows computers. Otherwise, we would have seen this. We know about unpacking libraries on Intel vs ARM Macs, but it's all straightforward on Windows.
@retiutut, it looks from the errors that this is a duplicate file issue in folder:
Should she try removing that folder and restarting the GUI?
Can @Katie888 please try ?
This uses the latest version of Processing and Java 17 under the hood.
Hi wjcroft, I tried your idea, but unfortunately did not work, and retiutut I also tried the beta, but also did not work.
So I tried reinstalling my windows 10 to fix any windows problems, but that too did not work.
I really appreciate your help, but it does seem like there may be some kind of hardware problem with my desktop.
If you think of anything else let me know, otherwise I will just rely on my trusty laptop which is working fine with the Ganglion.