Sending EEG data from ganglion board and store it in cloud

AhmedhAhmedh Pakistan
edited December 2023 in Ganglion

Hi, I have a question
How can we connect and send data from the Ganglion 8-channel board to ESP-32 using Arduino IDE?
I have collected data from ganglion board and displayed it on OpenBCI GUI but how can I send this data to cloud e.g AWS through ESP32 using Arduino IDE for real time monitoring?
@wjcroft @retiutut @evaesteban


  • retiututretiutut Louisiana, USA

    A full answer to this question would be a complete BCI cloud solution. Essentially it is called "edge computing". You would process some of the data closer to the "edge" and then send off the most important parts to the "cloud".

  • So if I use the Python library for cloud computing I won't be needing Arduino IDE and ESP32 to send data to cloud right? I would simply write a python code and include these libraries and i will be able to send data to cloud?

  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA

    @Ahmedh said:
    So if I use the Python library for cloud computing I won't be needing Arduino IDE and ESP32 to send data to cloud right? I would simply write a python code and include these libraries and i will be able to send data to cloud?

    That is correct. This assumes your Ganglion has the Bluetooth radio connection to your computer. Either via the dongle, or native Bluetooth in the computer.

  • What if I want to use ESP32 and arduino IDE to send data to cloud which steps should I need to follow?

  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA

    @Ahmedh said:
    What if I want to use ESP32 and arduino IDE to send data to cloud which steps should I need to follow?

    I do not recommend using a microcontoller such as ESP32 / Arduino IDE, because that will not support the Python libraries I previously linked to, nor Brainflow. If you want a portable computer, consider using a Raspberry Pi, which supports Brainflow, Bluetooth, and Wifi. For example the Pi 4 has usb ports if you need to plug in the Ganglion dongle.

  • AhmedhAhmedh Pakistan
    edited December 2023

    Kindly specify which of the above mentioned libraries are necessary to send the data to cloud. Kindly provide any video link which should be followed for successfull data transmission to cloud.

  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA

    Please re-read the above previous comment. The Google Search link there turns up multiple libraries you can choose from. I just followed that with some other typical links. So it depends on which service you use, that determines which library.

    I cannot do your research for you, you must investigate yourself how these libraries are used from Python. I'm doubting that you will find video tutorials for the Python usage, but I could be wrong. Only you can choose which library to use and read up on the APIs.


  • Ahmedh,

    There are resources on the internet for sending data from Arduino to the cloud. Perhaps you should look into these and see if they are workable for you, then determine how you would create a data path from the Ganglion to the Arduino to the cloud. You may internet search for "send Arduino data to cloud" for example.

  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA

    Bill, thanks.

    But... the issue then becomes how does he get the Ganglion data stream into the Arduino based microcontroller? There is no Brainflow Python support on Arduino.

    In terms of Ahmedh's framing of the original question, I see zero value added by involving the Arduino or ESP32. Other than it may be lower power draw than a Raspberry based microcontoller. Raspberry is going to be much superior in terms of ease of use and Brainflow access.

    Regards, William

  • William: I agree about Raspberry being superior to Arduino as an interface device here. In fact, most commercial portable cloud-based-EEG devices use a device running tablet Android or equivalent, so the processor tends to be much closer to a Raspberry Pi than an Arduino.

  • William,
    So, you say it would be easier to use Raspberry pi to acess Brainflow Library rather than simply writing a code and including these python library to send data to cloud?
    Kindly clarify as I am a bit confused of what to use to send EEG data to cloud. Till now I understood that we cant use ESP32 and Ardunio IDE for this purpose.

  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA

    @Ahmedh said:
    So, you say it would be easier to use Raspberry pi to access Brainflow Library rather than simply writing a code and including these python library to send data to cloud?

    You need to call on TWO Python libraries to do this: (1) Brainflow which receives the data stream from Ganglion. (2) Cloud vendor API library for example from Google or Amazon AWS. YOU will write the interconnecting code which reads Ganglion and writes to the cloud.

    Brainflow is pretty much the only way you can read the stream. If you don't want to use Python, there are also other language bindings, see the Brainflow docs website.

    Kindly clarify as I am a bit confused of what to use to send EEG data to cloud. Till now I understood that we cant use ESP32 and Ardunio IDE for this purpose.

    I've already posted the links TWICE. Please re-read. For example, this Google Search query finds many cloud API libraries written in Python. Then on previous comments I posted the Google and Amazon cloud links. [many libraries to choose from]

  • Thanks. I will look into it

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