MBTT (Mind Body Training Tools) neurofeedback system, feedback ?

PeterNocPeterNoc PeterNoc
edited May 2023 in Other Platforms

Hi All,

May I ask if anyone has any experience with MBTT by Glyn Blackett ?
It seems to be a convenient wrapper for BioEra.
Is it worth the money (if I do not have time to learn BioEra) ?
Please feel free to message me directly if for any reason you do not want your opinions to be public.
This is not a crypto-ad so I am not including the link.



  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA

    Peter, hi.

    It sounds like he sells a preferred type of amplifier with the software, described here:


    So I am not sure about your question. His system likely would require special adaptation to work with OpenBCI devices.

    Regards, William

  • PeterNocPeterNoc PeterNoc

    Hi William,

    Thanks for responding.
    On top of that, yes, if you need it.
    But I just tried the free version, you can simply choose from the list, and the list is pretty much 5 or 6 that Bioera supports.
    Including OpenBCI and Q-wiz, the 2 that I am most interested in.
    This is really just a wrapper application for BioEra.

  • PeterNocPeterNoc PeterNoc
    edited May 2023

    Sry, not sure how to crop a screenshot

  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA

    Peter, thanks.

    I would still check with Glyn Blackett (MBTT author), if intending to use any other biosensing platforms than the ones he recommends. I believe the menu you show is just inherited from the base BioEra, and may not imply that Glyn has tested MBTT with these other devices.


  • PeterNocPeterNoc PeterNoc

    I can confirm now.
    It is expected to work with both OpenBCI and PN Q-wiz and the EEG related part of it (assessment and training modules)
    are indeed wrappers for BioEra.
    I just got the full version and will start playing with it soon.

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