Data Log File Update Cycle

in OpenBCI_GUI
I would love to get some advice from the forum Gurus on the Data Log file update cycle.
In terms of the Ganglion board, which has a sampling rate of 200Hz, does the Data Log file get updated with 200 samples per second as well?
In short, what is the update cycle of the Data Log file?
Insight would be much appreciated!
Thank you.
Best regards,
Yoosung, hi.
Generally operating system file I/O functions are BUFFERED. So that data is accumulated until the buffer is filled, then it is flushed to disk. So the answer is, no, the disk file is not updated 200 times per second.
If you want faster access to the data stream, you can use the Brainflow library from your language of choice. Or alternatively, the GUI has a Networking Widget, that can stream out the data in the protocol of your choice.
Thanks William.
On another note, I find that changing the file's location (Brainflow Streamer -> File -> Custom) gives me only the csv file.
Is there a way to get the txt file as well?
See this related thread,