using Raspberry Pi with ganglion board
My team and I were working on a project that required generating raw EEG data. However, I want to know if can use Raspberry Pi with ganglion board to generate raw EEG recordings? Also, I just want to know if their specific raspberry pi recommended for connecting the ganglion board with it. Last, is their source you can share with me of how to implement the hardware connection between the ganglion board and Raspberry Pi?
I am looking to hearing from you
Fatemah, hi.
Easiest is using Raspberry Pi 4, because it has several usb host ports. The Ganglion dongle will easily plug into one of these. Then you can use Brainflow library for accessing the Ganglion data stream.
From past suggestions that Andrey (Brainflow dev) has made, you need to BUILD the Brainflow library from source directly on the Pi. The pre-built library binaries are not compatible with the ARM platform.