LSL Streaming Time Series Un filtered
in OpenBCI_GUI
Hello, I would like you to provide help regarding the following question.
I would like to know if when transmitting the time series data through LSL , what I am going to obtain is RAW data or the values are with respect to uV or uVrms.
Thanks for the help
'Raw' data in the CSV text file IS in microvolts already, but unfiltered. The GUI display graphs have been pre-filtered. You can turn on filtering of the LSL stream(s), using the 'Filters' button shown.
Thank you very much for the quick answer.
What I really wanted to know is if what I get by transmitting in LSL is the same as the communication using python.
'pyOpenBCI' has been deprecated. The recommended way to access from Python is with Brainflow library.
Code above does seem to be applying the normal scaling process to convert bare samples from the ADS1299 hardware ADC, into microvolts.
oh, I didn't take that into account.
I am trying to follow the examples of the repository, maybe you could help me where I should specify the arguments to identify the Cyton board and the COM4 communication port
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@danielmont19 you can use my script as a template.