Generate a file from an EDF file that can be read by the openBCI software (Playback)
Is there a way to generate a file compatible with the Playback reading system from a dataset file? The idea is that I would like to simulate data streaming to python and test a model before having access to the hardware.
Firstly, I successfully converted an EDF file to ASCII using edfbrowser. However, I still could not open the data in openBCI. By adding the following lines at the beginning of the text file I was able to open it on openBCI with the correct length of the recording:
%OpenBCI Raw EEG Data
%Number of channels = 64
%Sample Rate = 160 Hz
%Board = OpenBCI_GUI$BoardCytonSerial
However, the data is not represented correctly in the GUI. How can I specify the right electrodes? The dataset I'm using has data from 64 electrodes but in my BCI application I'll only use 8. Also, some of the data is represented in the acc plot. A small sample of the data I'm trying to represent is attached here. How can I correctly use this data in openBCI to simulate real-time acquisition?
Miguel, hi.
If you want to achieve what you say, your self-generated GUI recording CSV file needs to match the fields shown in the header on the top of GUI recordings. Your S001R00 file above just contains 65 fields, a 'time' value, followed by 64 channel sample values. This is NOT what is present on a recording you create with the GUI.
I'm not sure the end goal of what you are trying to accomplish. But there may be other tools that allow better browsing and manipulation of your 160 Hz datasets. The GUI is specifically geared to receiving data from the OpenBCI boards. Have you tried EEGLAB or MNE for example, they can load arbitrary EEG data sets and create displays, signal processing, etc.