Accessing analog channel data when recorded in BDF format
Toronto, ON
in OpenBCI_GUI
I am looking to access the A6 channel which I have attached to an external trigger to use during a cognitive experiment. It would be ideal if I could access the analog channel data when saved in BDF format, rather than just the CSV, as I would like to process this data using MNE Python.
When viewing the BDF files I have produced, I am unable to see any of the analog data I have recorded, when looking at the accelerometer X, Y and Z channels. Is this where the analog data is expected to be stored, when recording via OpenBCI GUI? Can I only access the analog read data using the CSV file format?
Thanks in advance for your help,
Hi Nushaab,
As an interim workaround, you could try using the EDFBrowser utility to convert the GUI CSV files into BDF format, incorporating the analog or digital read mode extra channel(s) / columns. See this section in the manual, manual.html#ASCII_to_EDF_converter
A recent customer interacted with customer service with basically the same question (saving Aux channels in BDF). We gave her the same suggestion in the comment above. You could contact her and ask how she made out. Her email is in the resume on this page,
I don't think she has registered a username here on the Forum. So email would work.
This is an open issue that is scheduled to be added in the next release of the GUI. It is marked as high-priority. Currently finishing up custom filters.
Thanks! Looking forward to the next version of the GUI.