OpenViBE v1.0 now supports OpenBCI
[Update 2015-3-20: A v1.0 direct Windows binary installer is now available to download from the OpenViBE site, see the March 20 entry below. Linux users should also download the git source from the main INRIA site and build from that.]
Last couple days I tried to develop an integrated driver within OpenViBE. I say "try" because although it *does* seem to work, now I'd need others to try out the implementation. And I'd need others *quickly* because the 1.0 release is soon (like "by-the-end-of-the-week" soon normally). OpenViBE doesn't do "release early, release often", and 1.0 could be a good milestone to kick-off new OpenBCI owners.
The branch is available in the official repository:
git clone -b wip-jfrey-openbci-driver
To build OpenViBE there's neat scripts the "script" folder. On Windows, run "win32-install_dependencies.exe" and then "win32-build.cmd". On Linux it's almost the same, "linux-install_dependencies" and "linux-build" -- see
When the compilation is done, "dist" folder is populated with the binaries you need -- basically "openvibe-acquisition-server" to acquire data and "openvibe-designer" to use them. If
At the moment I tested with (K)Ubuntu 13.10 & 14.04 + Windows 7, 64bit for all. Chipkit board, with and without daisy module attached. If it's your first time with openvibe, try to use a fake signal such as "Generic Oscillator" to make sure that the installation is working -- I'm here to sell my own stuff, I don't do OpenViBE support (yet) 

Please test, any feedback -- success, bug, failure, typo, next lottery numbers -- is very welcomed. Thx 

And, is it possible that folks just need to download the Acquisition Server alone, containing your new driver? In other words all they need is the new A.S. binary and could they use all the existing OpenViBE downloads from
Or does your new A.S. driver depend on the latest sources for all of OpenViBE?
One other question, for those with Macintosh, what is the best strategy? Partitioning and dual booting Linux may be more than most Mac users would want to contend with. Could it run under VirtualBox?
Regards, William
PS the related previous thread on the P300 Speller,
It’d be very cool to have this in v1.0. I guess I should have waited a few days rather spending all that time getting the Python link working
Great work,
Sorry, that was a typo: I’m running Ubuntu 14.04. Here’s a .zip of the
directory created by my build:well done !
Jeremy, can you mention which of the 'standard' box functions in categories such as Signal Processing / Visualization, etc. -- are available in the Pi version? Is it just a matter of how many CPU cycles are available and memory consumed? So this should work in basically any embedded Linux environment? Recommended minimums GHz, RAM, cores, etc.
Did you ever get yours to work?
The March 20 post above was on my native Windows machine with v1.0. Ran fine there. I did try initially fooling around with OpenViBE (pre v1) on Mac under VirtualBox / Ubuntu (Feb 26 post above). But there was no installer at the time; failed.
Can you just boot natively into Ubuntu? Is the OpenBCI_GUI running ok with your VM Ubuntu? I believe Jeremy @jfrey has tested v1.0 both in Windows and Ubuntu. The OpenViBE GUI interface does pretty much eat one core though; see his comments above on March 21. The multicore usage in your VM case might be some artifact of the VM emulation.
Yes, I have gotten it to work on native ubuntu and windows, I was trying to find an easier alternative for Mac users that might not go as far as to dual boot to use the software.
I'll keep the forum posted on any developments.
Microsoft also has free VirtualBox images of Windows 7, 8.1, etc. that will run without nagging for I think 6 months until you need to refresh. So it could be that Windows under VirtualBox has less kinks than Ubuntu.
Forgot to reply to this. Thanks for the tip!
For anyone interested in a step by step tutorial about using a Win VM on mac to run OBCI + OpenVibe, check out this tutorial: tools/OpenViBE