For Sale: OpenBCI 16-channel kit with active electrodes add-on, wifi shield, snap cables and more.

Looking to sell my whole kit. It was lightly used for a school project. It includes:
-Cyton + Daisy Biosensing Board (16-Channels)
-WiFi Shield
-Ultracortex "Mark IV" EEG Headset (16-Channels) - Medium
-2 x ThinkPulse™ Active Electrode Starter Kit - Includes 16 spiked electrodes and 4 flat electrodes
-ThinkPulse™ Active Electrode Upgrade Kit
-EMG/ECG Snap Electrode Cables
-2 x Header Pin to Touch Proof Electrode Adapter
-Dry EEG Comb Electrodes (Pack of 30)
-EMG/ECG Foam Solid Gel Electrodes (30/pack) - 27 left
-Adafruit Micro Lipo - USB LiIon/LiPoly charger
-Lithium Ion Polymer Battery - 3.7v 500mAh
-Other various wires
Please send me any offers. This would cost about $3,500US new.
I am located in Toronto, Canada. I can ship it or list it on eBay or we can work something out.
Hey I am based in Canada,
I would like to buy only Cyton board and WiFi Shied. Are you interested?
Hey. I’d rather not break up the kit. It would be pretty hard to sell just the leftover parts. Thanks for the interest though.
Hi. I'm interested in your kit and would like to discuss price with you. I'm a self-funded phd candidate researching how distortions in contemporary figurative painting affect the emotional states of the viewers. I have a colleague who specializes in EEG looking at my proposal and assessing whether it's feasible. If I get the thumbs up from him, I'm going to need equipment. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Sent you a DM.
Happy New Year Everyone!
This is still for sale. Everyone who has posted here or sent me a message I have responded to but for some reason I keep getting no replies. If this continues then I’ll have to post another method to contact me.
Here is a picture of the kit:

Still available. Please send me an offer.