Brainflow serial port name on Raspberry vs Mac
When I use the brainflow code to stream from ganglion it's working on my MAC but when I use it on raspberry pi it does not work due to the serial port address; this is the command line I use:
python --log --board-id 1 --serial-port /dev/cu.usbmodem11
This is the serial port of the Mac and it works fine but can anyone help on how to get the BLED dongle serial port address
The serial port address on the Raspberry pi will be different than on the mac. To determine the serial port address on the Pi, remove the dongle, then in a console window type in "ls /dev". Now plug in the dongle and type in "ls /dev" again. You should notice a new device in this list. This will be the address of your dongle.
For example with the cyton dongle, on mac it is /dev/cu.usbserial.BlahBlah, but on the raspberry pi the same dongle is at /dev/ttyUSB0 (assuming you have on other USB to TTY adapters, it may be at /dev/ttyUSB1 for example).