Replacing PIC32MX250F128

Dear All:
due to "force majeure" reasons, I am forced to replace the original PIC on my CYTON.
I have some spare PIC32MX250F128 on the same package as the original but they are clear from factory, no bootloader.
I have Microchip PicKit3 working OK and I have the OpencBCI.hex code generated by the Arduino IDE.
I uploaded the new PIC with the original .hex compl¿iled on the Arduino IDE code but ... only "freezing" silence... No LED, no serial.
I would very much appreciate any assistance on how to program a bare PIC with the CYTON original code.
Thanks a million.


  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA
  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA

    I would very much appreciate any assistance on how to program a bare PIC with the CYTON original code.

    After the bootloader is installed, then use this page,

    If your two RFduinos are still intact (dongle and mainboard), then the radio channel should still be the same on both.

  • nejemianejemia argentina

    Dear William. I have new PIC32 running with the defaultBoard.ino sketch compiled and uploaded using Arduino IDE.
    I have the correct message at the UART and respnses to commands like // or ?.
    However, I do not have the Accelerometer circuit installed in my DIY board.
    Also, I have verified corrects power supplies, +3.3, +2.5 and -2.5 volts .
    The ADS1299 is installed, brand new chip, but the system does not "see" it.
    ID=00 and all registers 00.
    1)Not having installed the accelerometer can be the cause of that weird malfunction?
    2)How can I run tests to find the problem of not detecting the ADS 1299?
    Thanks, as always your support is superb !
    All the best.

  • nejemianejemia argentina

    Hello William.
    You can close this thread. I have everything working fine now.
    The only remaining question is if someone remembers what is the difference between the raw serial output on Serial0 of thr Cyton and the actual data received by the UART after the BLE process introduced by the RFDuinos.
    I think there is a difference but I can not catch it, the End of Package is not the same, but I do not realize how to change that so I can connect the Serial0 raw output to my notebook with a UART-USB adapter.

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