Substituing RFDuino by Other Serial BLE Link

nejemianejemia argentina

Dear All, I am aware this question has been reiterative during a long time.
I went over the pros and cons of using RFDuino, the importance of keeping it working to allow the download of new Firmware into the CYTON.
However, I would like to understand if there is a better way to stream data from CYTON to OpenBCI-GUI WITHOUT WiFi (which is extremely dependent of the hardware).
I have a couple of BlueSMiRF which works happily at 115.000 bps and I would like to test them between the CYTON and the OpenBCI-GUI.
BTW, as Debug port using them on Serial1 the perfrmance is perfect, buy I would like to test them for streaming.
The range of the RFDuino is extremely short and data error is some times, annoying.
If you have any suggestion how to improve range and streaming reliability will appreciate it very much.
Take care of yourselves and all the best.

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