Failed to start Ganglion BLE Driver

Hey guys, I have a problem with my ganglion board, it use to work 6 months ago.
Now It can't connect and give me the "[ERROR]: Failed to start Ganglion BLE Driver,"
But if I run sudo hcitool -i hci1 lescan I get

LE Scan ...
C0:EC:D2:12:24:2C Ganglion-b39a
C0:EC:D2:12:24:2C (unknown)

Any help is welcome.

This is the log:

    Console Log Started at Local Time: 2020-04-11_01-56-05
    Screen Resolution: 1920 X 1080
    Welcome to the Processing-based OpenBCI GUI!
    For more information, please visit:
    Launching application from local data dir
    OpenBCI_GUI: hubStart: OS Detected: Linux
    TopNav: Internet Connection Successful
    Local Version: 420, Latest Version: 420
    GUI is up to date!
    OpenBCI_GUI::Setup: Sample Data exists in Documents folder.
    ControlP5 2.2.6 infos, comments, questions at
    The file "/root/Documents/OpenBCI_GUI/Settings/UserPlaybackHistory.json" is missing or inaccessible, make sure the URL is valid or that the file has been added to your sketch and is readable.
    OpenBCI_GUI::Control Panel: Playback history file not found or other error.
    OpenBCI_GUI::Setup: Setup is complete!
    Instantiating hub object...
    Hub: CheckHubInit: The GUI is connected to the Hub!
    sourceList: click! 
    setInterface: curInterface: -1
    channel count set to 4
    Setting Latency to 10000
    Setting WiFi Internet Protocol to tcp
    Setting WiFi style to dynamic
    [DEFAULT]: Protocol BLED112 Selected for Ganglion

    sample rate set to: 200
    Setting sample rate for Ganglion to 200Hz
    [ERROR]: Failed to start Ganglion BLE Driver, please see
    [DEFAULT]: BLE Devices Refreshing
    [ERROR]: Failed to start dongle. It may not be plugged in.


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