Multiple Ganglion boards

BlakeBlake Calgary, Alberta, Canada

I am running 2 Ganglion boards in different rooms, albeit within 10 meters. I have found that sometimes I am not connecting to the board I intend to for each room. This is making me think there may be interference, even when it appears that I have each one connected to the appropriate computer.

Is there a way to control which ganglion connects to which pc? Like managing the radio frequency? Or, is there an option to hardwire through USB instead of using BLE? I am hoping I can continue to run them simultaneously.


  • retiututretiutut Louisiana, USA

    No mention of how you are connecting to the boards?

  • BlakeBlake Calgary, Alberta, Canada

    With the Bluetooth dongles

  • retiututretiutut Louisiana, USA
    edited March 2020
    1. What programming language are you using and what API? the GUI? another program?
    2. You are using two computers? Do you want/need to use 1 computer?

    We have recently introduced a new collaboration called Brainflow, which has the potential to accommodate for multi-board setups, of which I am a huge advocate. I am highly interested in facilitating multi-board setups for myself and others. :smile:

  • BlakeBlake Calgary, Alberta, Canada

    I am running them on BioEra, so separate rooms and separate PCs is essential. Is there a way to hardwire them?

  • retiututretiutut Louisiana, USA
    edited March 2020

    This can be done easily with the OpenBCI_GUI v4.2.0 running on two computers by clicking the correct Ganglion from a list.

    Maybe someone more familiar with BioEra can offer some advice?

  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA

    Blake, hi.

    Does your BioEra offer a unique name or identifier for each Ganglion? Or does it just connect to whatever Ganglion it finds first? As Richard mentioned, the OpenBCI_GUI lets you select the specific Ganglion by it's identifier. Even if there are multiple Ganglions turned on in the area.

    If BioEra does not present such a list (for your selection of device), then that is an issue with the BioEra Ganglion device support. And could be answered / corrected with an upgrade release of BioEra by Jarek Foltynski, the developer.

    Regards, William

  • BlakeBlake Calgary, Alberta, Canada

    Thanks for the responses to both of you. I am going to reach out to Jarek about this.

  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA

    Do you see unique identifiers in the BioEra device selection window / properties pane, for each Ganglion?

  • BlakeBlake Calgary, Alberta, Canada

    I don't see that in the settings.

  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA

    OK, then I would expect Jarek might be able to fix that quickly. He is remarkably fast on such things.

  • BlakeBlake Calgary, Alberta, Canada

    Hey everyone, just an update. There is a field to enter the MAC address. I had to download
    nRF Connect on my Android to discover the MAC address for each Ganglion, but once I put the MAC address in the settings ( without all the : : : ) they now pair only with the selected Ganglion

  • retiututretiutut Louisiana, USA
    edited March 2020

    @Blake GUI v5.0.0(work-in-progress) will also print Ganglion MAC address to the Console Log.

    Glad you got it to work out!

  • DashBarkHussDashBarkHuss Chicago
    edited October 2024

    So, with the brainflow update, is it possible now to link multiple boards? I saw the ganglion was on sale and know some people who might purchase them if this is possible.

  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA

    @DashBarkHuss said:
    So, with the brainflow update, is it possible now to link multiple boards? I saw the ganglion was on sale and know some people who might purchase them if this is possible.

    @retiutut said:
    This can be done easily with the OpenBCI_GUI v4.2.0 running on two computers by clicking the correct Ganglion from a list.

  • DashBarkHussDashBarkHuss Chicago
    edited October 2024

    @wjcroft ahh ok but you can't link up the ganglions to the same GUI or stream the channels from multiple ganglions to the same time series data?

    If you used two different computers, it would probably be hard to sync the data accurately.

  • wjcroftwjcroft Mount Shasta, CA

    Correct, the solution Richard mentions in the current GUI only does a one to one connection, GUI to Ganglion.

    In general, for example with EEG, you cannot really using multiple boards on the same person. Because the sample times are not synchronized. Realize that with Cyton, when used with a Daisy expansion, all 16 channels are sampled at the same instant.

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