Washing OpenBCI sintered Cap
I just bought an EEG sintered cap, which requiers gel to record brainwaves.
https://shop.openbci.com/products/openbci-eeg-electrocap This cap looks nice but there are few informations about it, it looks like no one is using it.
Anyway, it is mentioned that washing the cap could substantially increase its longevity. I was thus wondering how to wash it. Have some of you already used it ? How do you process to wash it ? The electrodes should be removed from the headset ?
I have read there gtec.at/Support-Offer/FAQ/Electrodes and there tsgdoc.socsci.ru.nl/images/0/01/Cleaningprocedure_EEG_June2017.pdf that electrodes the washing should be proceeded using distillated water, Sekusept plus®.
It is also specified on the Gel recommended by OpenBCI https://shop.openbci.com/products/electrodegel?variant=28056992776264 to use Ivory® to remove it. But these sources are not specific to this cap and do not say the same thing (Use the brush, do not use the brush, use distilled water, use running water). I thus want to know how do you wash this cap ?
Thank you for your feedback
Mentioning @Shirley @Conor.
The guide on the OpenBCI Electrode Cap product page can be used as the main point of reference on cleaning and care:
Thanks for the fast reply.
The thing is I don't even know if I can remove the electrodes from the cap or if they are sewed or molded to the cap.
If I can't remove the cap, should I soak the whole cap in the activation or disinficting solution ?
I have not used the new sintered OpenBCI cap, but I have used and washed the Electro-caps in the past. Electro-cap uses plain tin metal electrodes, so do not require the special handling that I have seen suggested for sintered electrodes. But the gel removal and cap washing procedures, I believe have similarities. Here are some Electro-cap washing tutorials,
Note that the EEGInfo instructions given in the above link by @Shirley, are for individual electrodes, not for a cap. In the case of a cap you need to wash both the cloth and the electrodes. Some caps have removable electrodes, but some are permanently attached to the cap. Shirley might have further comments.
The electrodes on the sintered cap are not detachable. The whole cap can be washed.
Ok, good to know.
Thank you very much then @Shirley @wjcroft
Using a similar cap and i was also feeling that i am the only one using this cap....I do wash my cap with electrodes but feeling a stupendous issue of impedance in it