Board disconnecting all the time...


I just bought a ganglion board, for artistic purpose.

I just tested it yesterday, and i have a big issue. The board work, i have data in the GUY, and the board connects with BLE propely. But each time, after 30sec-5mn, the board disconnects from itself, the led starts blinking, and i have to restart the software each time...

I tried many things, such as moving the board just next to the bluetooth receiver, or this kind of stuff... I wanted maybe to update the board, but the version seems okay : ( Firmware Revision String 1.1.0 and Software revision string 1.1.2)

Other thing that is strange too, when i configure the data source in the GUI, I have to select "BDF+" instead of "OpenBCI" because if i do so, it will freeze when i click "START SYSTEM"...

I'm a little bit lost, and this problem is really ennoying. I hope that it is a knowned issue for you, and that you have the solution...

Sincerely yours,



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