OpenVibe Windows 10 COM Port Advanced Settings

mertnesvatmertnesvat Tallinn
edited December 2017 in Ganglion
There is a OpenVibe OpenBCI acquisition server tutorial but in the tutorial we suppose to change Port Transfer Size from advanced settings in Windows 7 but it seems they're not available from WIndows 10. It would be great if someone solved this issue and connect to OpenVibe from Win10? 

Here's the post from openVibe

  • The Receive and Transmit settings of the USB Transfer Sizes section should both be changed from 4096 to 64 as this will reduce the time taken by the OS to deliver the data to either the dongle or the OpenViBE driver
  • The Latency Timer of the BM Options section should be reduced down to 1 as this will dramatically reduce the latency induced by the OS.


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