Signals RAILED, all channels' amplitude maxed out

edited October 2017 in Ganglion
I am having difficulty getting clean signal from the Ganglion. I have followed instructions from the Ganglion Getting Started guide, including placing the D_G and REF electrodes on my earlobes and matching the other electrode placement. When I view the data, all four channels intermittently show RAILED, and the amplitude is maxed out:


How can I adjust the electrodes, settings, etc., so that I get a better signal quality?


  • Did you ever try contact @ openbci . com?

    Seems like could be a hardware issue.

  • I have a similar issue.
    In the past I managed to see reasonable signals on the same board. Now, I followed the tutorial again and it looks like there's a constant DC of 100uV. 
    I also saw that the signals were higher at another attempt, up to "RAILED". 

    If this is a HW issue, i.e the board was damaged somehow, do you have any recommendations?
    Brylie, would be happy to here from your experience as well, did you solve it eventually?


  • biomurphbiomurph Brooklyn, NY
    In the gif that you sent, it looks like the noise is occurring just about every second. 
    This might be a software issue, since we run a compression algorithm that cycles every second. 
    Can you try to update the firmware on your Ganglion board to see if that fixes it?
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