Cannot find Ganglion on win10 using provided CSR dongle
First off, I know this seems like a duplicate post since there are 2 other discussions regarding the same. However, I have followed all the instructions and help given in the previous two discussions, namely to use the provided CSR 4.0 dongle, first install the CSR harmony suite and then use the Zadig tool to override the drivers for the dongle. I have tried, as mentioned, to use different USB ports (all 2.0) available on my PC. Unfortunately, none of this seems to help and my device does not show up on the BLE devices section of the openBCI GUI. The blue light on the Ganglion blinks. I assumed the Ganglion would be discoverable, but can't seem to find it when searching for available BLE devices from my android phone/tablet. Any help? Spent the better part of 2 days on this. I'm running Win10 x64
Thanks in advance,
A short note (even here) on what troubleshooting steps you personally take in such situations, would be helpfjul. That post could eventually become a tutorial on the docs site.
I've contacted them, hopefully I get a replacement soon. Thanks!