OpenViBE [old thread]

edited July 2015 in Software

I've pushed to github a Processing library that can be used to exchange data with OpenViBe (reading and writing):

I developped it for a project not (yet!) related to OpenBCI, but with a dirty hack it can be used to broadcast from OpenBCI GUI. See this branch for an implementation:

Basically, you add a couple lines of code and configure OpenViBE acquisiton server to read from "Telnet" (32 bits float, big endian -- would require some modifications to read directly from serial port and make a true driver, I believe this work is ongoing).

Ideally I'd like to restrain the GUI to a simple (and lightweight) control of the channels (bias, N/P, impedance check, gain, etc.). I tried to start from the actual GUI code and remove parts but I did not get far ( Should have gone the other way round (maybe from python code, I also have some scripts that can make python communicate with openvibe).

The documentation is sparse, the code has to be improved, it's lacking important features (e.g., stimulations) the API is not stable, but it works. Somehow -- jitter control is not optimal. I acquired some data with openbci (finally!) and managed to see my ECG in OpenViBE.

It's not that straightforward to employ, but it could be used to toy with the P300 speller -- my next objective as soon as I have some free time -- or if someone wants to export data (GDF, EDF, ...) or... whatever you want to use OpenViBE for :D

If someone happens to be interested by this library I'll gladly give a hand to put it into practice, even though I may not respond very quickly at the moment :)


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